Dhanusu – Sagittarius
The year to be maintained with total care with
clear thoughts. One can find many
disturbances in day to day life, different types of hurdles due to the impact
of sade-sati. Expenses would pop up in
many ways and would be out of Control.
Change of place, punishment transfers in job, troubles from higher-ups
in employment, government pressures in business would be a high impact during
this year. Always sagittarians should be
prompt in their day to day business and should never deviate of their
commitments. Expenses on kids marriages
would be a high pressure with many pressures and troubles. Parental health would be stable and would not
be a much concern. Financial troubles can be foreseen between July to first
week of September and one should be very careful in their financial
transactions. During this period, one can sell out their fixed assets to settle
the issues. Some can foresee many
travels as expected after September and would fetch hefty income. Siblings and parents would help you out in
time of distress. Hurdles would vanish and many can find life turns to normal
and smooth running. Beware of sharing
family issues with neighbours and unknown persons, which would trouble in times
of need.