Rest assured the year
is 60% good in overall condition. All
your endeavours are success till November. Friends / Relatives / co-workers
would extend their help in all ways possible.
Men and women would be attracted each other which leads to nuptial
knot. Recovery from Ill-health would
make you relaxed from worries and leads to happiness. Planning conception would result a good
outcome before the end of the year.
Women would extend help to charities and people of need. Loose talks should be avoided. Hurdles will be removed. Students will shine
at large, Foreign placements are foreseen to many. Second half of the year is good rather than
first half. Litigations, Ill health to a
member in family, Official disgrace and displeasure are also foreseen to
many. Beware of your belongs at all
times. Some times your absent mindedness
will create ripples between the spouse and family.