Start of the year
would be seen as an year of full expenditure.
But the impact and positions of the planet would lead you to save as
much as possible. Health has to be taken
care of at all times. Happiness would
prevail as some people would be blessed with own house / buildings. Change of Job / place would be inevitable to
many. Some can face health issues to
their parents. Name and fame would be
restored during last 3 months of the year.
Spouse would co-operate in all your endeavours without any second
thoughts. Kids would be supportive in
all fields, but some would face tough situation in their field of
education. Utmost care has to be taken
care in spending your earnings. Unwanted
accumulation of purchases can be avoided.
Savings has to be maintained for future expenses. Difference of opinion with parents has to be
dealt amicably without further expansions.
Your help to the society would be well appreciated. People working in helping the nation would be
well appreciated and rewarded. Some
working in Media would get recognised and awarded.