Astro forecast
for the year 2018
Dhanusu (Sagittarius)
People born on Dhanusu would face lot of
hurdles, even in their day to day movements, for some way or the other,
hindrance would pop up. But those who
have planned wisely would face no trouble.
Some can face financial loss due to theft or otherwise. Some women would lose their jewellery
also. Decision on change of job or
change of place can be kept under abeyance upto October, and can plan their
change thereafter. People who are on
media can face lot of shufflings in their programs. Those in government sector can get punishment
transfers for they are no fault, accept and move on for your betterment. Some who are in business can foresee drastic
changes in partner's move and can find some hindrance on sales. Speculations are to be totally avoided and
investments can be diverted in purchase of fixed assets, if feasible. Those born on Moola natchatra has to be very
careful with health issues, which would lead to surgery also. Those born on Puraadam and on first round of
seven and half Saturn can foresee happiness always with no troubles. Those on second round should think of their
settlement of life, and plan wisely.
Those born on Uthradam natchatra has to wait for a right time and until
then move with the impact of planets for which good results are waiting in the
near future.