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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Panchangam 2012-2013

Dear Readers

Panchanga / Almanac for the year 2012-2013 (Nandhana Samvatsar) is under preparation and hope by 2nd week of march will be despatched to all who are in need.

As usual, those who are interested to Donate for the Printing charges, can donate to my account

Please remember, every year, around 2500 to 3000 copies of panchangam are printed and issued FREE of cost to almost all, who are in need.  Printing charges alone works out to around Rs.50,000/- (Fifty thousand)

I have some donors who are offering their hand on this noble task.  
This year, I have extended the request to the Blog Readers also....

Thanks and regards
Vedic Astrologer


  1. Hare Krishna

    Quite happy to learn that the Panchang for 2012=13 will be ready soon. May I request for a copy, if not inconvenient to send me at

    B-104, Anisha Grange
    Kaggadasapura 6th E Cross
    CV Raman Nagar
    Phone: 080 41676511

  2. will be sent to you during last week of march...
